Live and Learn
Thelma stared at her daughter and wondered if perhaps aliens had abducted her child and sent a brainless bot in her stead. She crossed her arms over her chest knowing full well that it was a defensive...
View ArticleThe Real Reason
So last evening, I sat on the back porch and watched fireflies twinkle, appearing at different spots in our beautiful garden like Tolkien-esk-fairies. When I tipped my head back, I could see faint...
View ArticleWho I Am Becoming
I can’t draw to save my life. Or play the organ, fix a computer, or discuss housing options with a cantankerous possum. My gaze wanders from the twisting, twirling maple branches out the window to a...
View ArticleInnovation—The Art of Modern Homeschooling
I’ve been homeschooling for twenty years and with each academic year, I discover new challenges. But that’s the adventure. To meet challenges head-on. Innovation is at the heart of homeschooling. But...
View ArticleGood Questions for Home Schooling Families
I have talked with a few anxious parents who are considering the merits of homeschooling their kids vs. trying to adjust to the “new educational normal,” which might change at any given moment....
View ArticleFaith-Based Schooling—What Else Is there?
One day I shared with my university professor father the name of a religious text I was using in my homeschool, and my dad snorted in disgust. “Use books with real material, for God’s sake!” The...
View ArticleStand With the Best in Humanity
I went to election judge training yesterday, taught math, English, history, helped with online classes, made dinner for the kids, took a walk with a neighbor down the road, and chatted with my...
View ArticleCome Out of the Cold
Stupid mistakes left Trix cold. Her own especially. Who on planet Earth was responsible for spelling? And could she find a legal precedent for killing the nameless perpetrators outright or would it...
View ArticleA Future I Can Count On
The future bewilders me. I never know what’s next. I should be used to that by now. But no. I make a plan and then watch it swirl into oblivion shortly after my first sip of morning coffee. Since I’m...
View ArticleBetween Worlds
Shailyn jerked upright in bed, jolted from the other world back into her own. The usual, odd discomfort dogged her as she peeled back the heavy bed covers, then trod to the bathroom for her daily...
View ArticlePerspective
There is a vulture circling overhead, I wonder—why can’t it be a sparrow instead? The drier signals come-get-me-now with demanding beeps, I tell the dog, “Go get the clothes.” She blissfully sleeps....
View ArticleOldEarth Encounter Themes
Recently, I celebrated another year marked on the calendar of my life. I am also considering how best to focus my energy and enlighten my soul, so I look back on my previous accomplishments and peer...
View ArticleInterviewed by The Hollywood Times
Once again, I have learned that being kind to others, offering my time and attention, opens doors and windows I would never have thought possible. Living in a small town, I don’t have the reach of...
View ArticleImaginative Wonder Elves and Wood Folk live here. In a late summer morning, birds chirping, crickets humming, green leaves languidly swaying, bushes blooming, hens...
View ArticleMy Part to Play
Audio of this post Autumn is just about here, and I am grateful beyond words for so many things. Even as local and world upheavals...
View ArticleLearn As I Go
So I was sitting in the doctor’s office and a mother comes in with the world’s cutest toddler. This child could have ousted Shirley Temple off the stage for sheer adorableness. It wasn’t just the...
View ArticleThe Real Reason
So last evening, I sat on the back porch and watched fireflies twinkle, appearing at different spots in our beautiful garden, like Tolkien-esk-fairies. When I tipped my head back, I could see faint...
View ArticleStars Twinkle In Concert With Darting Fireflies
So, yeah, it’s that time of the year again. School arrives with all its rigor and tight schedules. The hot summer zigzags toward a mild autumn. Or so I hope. Late summer heralds the joy of cooler...
View ArticleInterviewed by The Hollywood Times
Once again, I have learned that being kind to others, offering my time and attention, opens doors and windows I would never have thought possible. Living in a small town, I don’t have the reach of...
View ArticleMy Road—Interviewed by The Hollywood Times
Once again, I have learned that being kind to others, offering my time and attention, opens doors and windows I would never have thought possible. Living in a small town, I don’t have the reach of...
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