There is a vulture circling overhead,
I wonder—why can’t it be a sparrow instead?
The drier signals come-get-me-now with demanding beeps,
I tell the dog, “Go get the clothes.” She blissfully sleeps.
Sink clogged; floor sogged,
Land bogged; mind grogged.
Willow-whisps of complaint flitter through my head,
Think of kindness, goodness, gratitude instead.
At my feet, a robin does bounce,
Upon the unwary worm, it doth mightily trounce.
Not at a river bed beat the clothes clean do I,
Many manage still, with only a sigh.
Too much water, wrong time and place,
Try a desert for a change of pace.
Not-a-worm, labor-hunched, or on a barren site,
A change of perspective does lighten my plight.
The vulture swoops away.
Clean laundry in drawers stay.
Water drain,
Mind sane.
Rest is best.
Books by A. K. Frailey
Historical Fiction & Science Fiction Blend Novels
OldEarth ARAM Encounter https://amzn.to/2KLhlsN
OldEarth Ishtar Encounter https://amzn.to/2OAkDQF
OldEarth Neb Encounter https://amzn.to/3iGqGlQ
OldEarth Georgios Encounter (In Production)
OldEarth Melchior Encounter (In Production)
Science Fiction Novels
Last of Her Kind http://amzn.to/2y1HJvg
Newearth: Justine Awakens http://amzn.to/2pq0vWN
Short Stories
It Might Have Been—And Other Short Stories https://amzn.to/2XXdDDz
Encounter Science Fiction Short Stories & Novella https://amzn.to/3dq6q5l
Inspirational Non-Fiction
My Road Goes Ever On—Spiritual Being, Human Journey https://amzn.to/2KvF3Ll
The Road Goes Ever On—A Christian Journey Through The Lord of the Rings https://amzn.to/3rtAy6S
Children’s Book
The Adventures of Tally-Ho http://amzn.to/2sLfcI5
Photo https://pixabay.com/photos/vulture-sunset-bird-prey-approach-2761321/