Home Management
Warning – If some day you happen to be walking along and you cross in front of one your otherwise innocent looking appliances and just happen to notice a bit of something, (could be dirt, could be a...
View ArticleAncestor Arts
Ancestor Arts are invaluable. Another way of saying it, “canning”, might not sound so impressive though the reality behind the thought still is. I grew up in the city, so when I got my first real view...
View ArticleLearning is an Adventure
Every day is an opportunity to learn, and home schooling parents can take this concept pretty seriously. But the goal must not be to merely hammer information into our kids’s heads, but to model...
View ArticleNew Priorities
Join 7 Quick Takes Friday at: ConversionDiary.com As a writer I get a lot of inspiration from the act of writing itself, whether it be writing a novel, or writing a blog or a Facebook post. But I...
View ArticleHome, School, Life
We home-school, but I would say that we respond to the vocational call of home-living also. It is not just about educating my kids in math, science, and literature though those things are invaluable...
View ArticleThe Angels of Abbey Creek
I like reading children’s books to my kids and we have recently enjoyed many a cozy afternoon reading through: The Little House stories of Laura Ingalls Wilder, Wind in the Willows by Kennneth Grahame,...
View ArticleSpring Time Faith
Setting aside the fact that the one and only time I ever consider entering politics is under the inauspicious dream of ending the tyranny of our biannual time-change, I do look forward to seasonal...
View ArticleCatholic Mother
I once heard someone say: “My grandparents could trust society to support their morals – today we are undermined at every step.” I know the feeling. After teaching, volunteering, and getting to know...
View ArticleThe Adventures of Tally-Ho
The Adventures of Tally-Ho written by A.K. Frailey, author of The Road Goes Ever On – A Christian Journey Through The Lord of the Rings, The Deliverance Trilogy and Georgios I & Geogios II, and...
View ArticleLiving the Adventure
As the hot sun beats down upon us, lush 9 foot corn stalks breathe out their earthy, green scent, and humongous humidity make me wonder if rural Illinois should be called the...
View ArticleThe Adventures of Tally-Ho
While my husband was alive, we came up with a great idea to write a story based on the wonder of raising our kids in the country. It seemed so right, like an apostolate. We knew we had been blessed in...
View ArticleAn Honest Imagination
I know…I know…Words mean different things to different people, but can we agree on one thing? Words do bring images to mind. Whether I am talking about dogs and you imagine a French Poodle and your...
View ArticleHome Management
Warning – If some day you happen to be walking along and you cross in front of one your otherwise innocent looking appliances and just happen to notice a bit of something, (could be dirt, could be a...
View ArticleHomeschooling
One thing that never ceases to amaze me about homeschooling – is how much I learn every day! It is not just the constant review of reading, writing, math on every level from kindergarten to high...
View ArticleHomeschooling
I teach a wide age range and enjoy the challenge. The fun part is seeing how far each child can reach mentally and spiritually while maintaining connections to their siblings. Some people wonder why...
View ArticleEight Kids and Grateful
The other day I was speaking to a woman on the phone who, for practical reasons, needed to know a little more about me and my family. When she discovered that I had eight children, and worse yet, that...
View ArticleSharing Our Lives
Although I do not consider myself to be a “public person,” we are all sort of public personas, like it or not. At the store. Filling our cars with gas. Work. School. Human beings living in front of...
View ArticleIn the Souls of Those I Love
Since half my class was sick today, I decided to finish school early and do the next best thing—clean house. A good meal and a cup of hot tea were about the only offering that made any sense to sick...
View ArticleReconnect
So we were invited to visit a large homeschooling family in the area, and I went with the understanding that I’d never be able to remember anyone’s name, and besides, since we were both such busy...
View ArticleLearn As I Go
So I was sitting in the doctor’s office and a mother comes in with the world’s cutest toddler. This child could have ousted Shirley Temple off the stage for sheer adorableness. It wasn’t just the...
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