Warning – If some day you happen to be walking along and you cross in front of one your otherwise innocent looking appliances and just happen to notice a bit of something, (could be dirt, could be a crayon, could be one of last year’s pasta dinner experiments) sticking out from underneath and you hear a little voice saying: “Maybe I should just check…” STOP! THINK! This could lead you places you DO NOT want to go. Trust me.
I just spent the morning facing things that I really didn’t want to know existed. “There is more dirt & goo under appliances than are dreamt of in Man’s philosophy, Horatio!”
The worst part is that, even if you do happen to come out of the whole experience victorious, you can stand up again, (dirtier but still a semblance of your former self) sure, but there you are – facing a house full of OTHER APPLIANCES looking at you…and now you know what they are hiding.
Listen to me – while there is still time – Home Management isn’t everything it’s cracked up to be. Ignore that dust ball, kick the crayon further back, go outside, play ball with your kids, refresh your spirit with something wholesome. Dirt exists, it is a part of life…and frankly…appliances LIKE to collect things. Let them have a their little fun.
Well, I warned you. I’ve done what I can.
May the best house keeper learn her limits. Appliances are not to messed with lightly!